Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Of Ducks & Chicken

The Ori-yeonmot [Duck-pond] is one of the most beautiful places on the KAIST campus..

The One : with a coloured plumage amongst milk whites

Four Ducks and Two Pigeons

Believe me these are the only live animals which we have seen so far..all others have been served on platters..

Sorry to bring about the irony in the title in such a manner but truly speaking this is what the experience has been so far. I still haven't dared much though the extent that I have seen till now is oysters & octopuses being my colleagues.
[Haven't dared even to click pictures..but would surely be daring sometime soon..]

So amidst all this, it was really comforting to have some middle/west asian style food at Ahmed Bhai's..

Chikad Chane, Tandoori Chicken & Tandoori Naan

Ahmed bhai has been in Korea for 13 years now after leaving Pakistan and apart for his business of exporting cars in the day does community service in the night for desolate souls like us by gratifying our tongues..

Thanks Ahmed Bhai!!

And to put in Ahmed Bhai's tongue.."yeh kutte khane wali kaum hain yaron..kya batayein...."

But, still the optimist that I am, will hope to see more of 'lively' & 'beautiful' 'ducks'..let's see how it goes..


bijuneYYan said...

Ha ha..
the LIVE ducks (last pic)
reminds me of IIT guest house!!

parththefirst said...

yup! Anshuman showed pictures in his presentation drawing similarities between IIT & KAIST..

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